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An Export Compliance Professional, spanning a total of 40-year experience in Export Compliance and Sanctions. Peter's career began with 30 years in the US government, in various enforcement and regulatory controls positions, followed by the last 10 years in corporate compliance and sanctions leadership roles.
In his most recent role as the Sr. Director, Export Compliance with Walmart, Inc of Bentonville, AR, a Fortune 1 company, Peter served as the principal advisor on US and global export regulations related to EAR commercial dual-use items and OFAC sanctions where he spearheaded the build of an organic customize RPL/DPL and Sanctions Portal to Walmart’s business export model. Mr. Liston brought to Walmart a diverse background in export regulatory controls and enforcement from a U.S. perspective relevant to the 94 countries that Walmart/SAM’s Club exported to.
Peter previously served as Sr. Director, Global Trade Compliance with Flash Global, a full supply chain solution business for the Telecommunications and Data Security Industries, with IOR/EOR responsibilities and management in over 90 countries, in LatAm, EMEA and AsiaPac Regions. Mr. Liston was responsible for Global Export Controls in all regions, which included OFCA and FCPA in his portfolio. At Flash, Peter was responsible for the successful implementation of a 3rd parties RPL/DPL and Sanctions Screening software.
Mr. Liston was also Director, Global Trade Compliance for Future Electronics, a global distributor of semiconductors/electronics components controlled under the EAR and the ITAR.
His international experience includes being the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Export Control Attaché at the American Embassy in Moscow, Russia. Prior to his Moscow assignment, he served as the Assistant Attaché at the American Embassy Vienna, Austria with Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Mr. Liston had previously served in the position of Senior Customs Advisor to the Joint Terrorism Task Force in the Miami FBI office assigned primarily Hamas, Hizballah and Irish Republican Army (IRA) investigations.
In the early years of his career, Peter worked Strategic Investigations (technology and weapons systems related), as part of the export enforcement investigations division of DHS/Customs in the Miami Field Office. He had previously worked as a Special Agent with the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security assigned to the security detail protecting Secretary of State George P. Schultz, traveling with the Secretary to more than 30 countries. He had also worked narcotic investigations for the United States Customs Service in New York and New Jersey.
Mr. Liston has received several awards and recognitions for his work in all the areas of his investigative experience.
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